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Nicholas J. L. Luker

Alexander Kuprin

Куприн Александр Иванович. Собрание сочинений "Гатчина 3000 - История". Произведения Куприна о Гатчине и её обитателях / Александр Иванович глазами библиографов и друзей / Некоторые произведения писателя в переводе на английский / Юрий Дружников. "Куприн в дегте и патоке"

Alexander Kuprin
This monograph in the Twayne series surveys the varied life and work of Kuprin, who with Chekhov and Gorky was one of the best-known Russian prose writers of the early 1900s. Beside his contemporaries he has received scant critical attention, and within the limits imposed by the series, this study with its bibliography aims to redress the balance.
Boston, G K Hall, USA 1978


  1. About the Author
  2. Preface
  3. Chronology
  4. Biography and Literary Beginnings
  5. Kiev Years
  6. Petersburg
  7. The Duel
  8. 1905 and After
  9. War and Revolution
  10. The Twilight Years
  11. Epilogue
  12. Notes and References
  13. Selected Bibliography

Selected Bibliography


  • Polnoe sobranie sochinenii v deviali lomakh, St. Petersburg-Petrograd,
  • A.F. Marks, 1912-15.
  • Kupol'sv. Isaakua Dalmalskogo, Riga, "Literatura," 1928.
  • Elan': rasskazy, Belgrade, 1929.
  • Zhaneta: roman, Paris, "Vozrozhdenie," 1934.
  • Sochineniia v trekh tomakh, Moscow, GIKhL, 1953.
  • Sobranie sochinemi v shesti tomakh, Moscow, Goslitizdat, 1957-58.
  • Sobranie sochinenii v deviati tomakh, Moscow, "Pravda," 1964.
  • Sobranie sochinenii v deviati tomakh, Moscow, "Khudozhestvennaia literatura," 1970-73.
  • Yama (The Pit), tr. B.G. Guerney, New York, Modern Library, 1932.
  • The Duel and Selected Stories, tr. A.R. MacAndrew, New York, New
  • American Library, 1961.
  • Gambrinus and Other Stories, tr. B.G. Guerney, Freeport, Books for
  • Libraries Press,1970.
  • A Slav Soul and Other Stories, Freeport, Books for Libraries Press, 1971.


1. Books.

  • AFANAS'ev, VLADISLAV. Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin, Kritiko-biograficheskii ocherk, Moscow, GIKhL, 1960. The most useful short studyof Kuprin's life and works.
  • BERKOV, PAVEL. Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin, Kritiko-biograficheskii ocherk, Moscow- Leningrad. ANSSSR, 1956. The earliest study of Kuprin. Several omissions and scant detail on later years, particularly emigration.
  • DYNNIK, ALEKSANDR. A. I. Kuprin: ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. East Lansing. Michigan, Izd. Russian Language Journal, 1969. Superficial and unsatisfactory account. Many glaring omissions, inaccuracies, and blunders.
  • krutikova, liudmila. A.I. Kuprin, Leningrad, "Prosveshchenie," 1971. Brief but well- written and useful study of general kind.
  • kuleshov, FEDOR. Tvorcheskii put' A.I. Kuprina. Minsk, MVSSO, 1963. Lengthy and very detailed biographical and critical study, researched with scrupulous care. Easily the best work on Kuprin to date.
  • kuleshov, fedor, ed. A.L Kuprin о literature, Minsk, Izd-vo BGU, 1969. Comprehensive selection of Kuprin's letters, critical articles, and some lesser known tales.
  • kuprina, kseniia. Kuprin - moi otets, Moscow, "Sovetskaia Rossiia," 1971. Biographical account with much interesting detail on years of Kuprin's emigration.
  • kuprina-iordanskaia. MARIIA. Gody molodosti, Moscow, "Khudozhestvennaia literatura," 1966. Biographical account. Especially informative on early years of Kuprin's career and writing of The Duel
  • verzhbitskii, Nikolai. Vstrechi s A.I. Kuprinym, Penza. Penzenskoe kn. izd-vo. 1961. Personal reminiscences of Kuprin. Anecdotal but amusing and intriguing.
  • VOLKOV, ANATOLII. Tvorchestvo A.I. Kuprina, Moscow, "Sovetskii pisatel'," 1962. Long critical study. Instructive but annoyingly vague and diffuse in places.

2. Essays and articles

  • ADAMOVICH, GEORGII. "Kuprin," Odinochestvo i svoboda, New York, 1955, pp. 243-49. Brief but useful general remarks on Kuprin's major works. brusianin, vasilii. "Deti v proizvedeniiakh A.I. Kuprina," Deli i pisateli, Moscow, 1915, pp. 204-72. Study of Kuprin's portrayal of children and animals.
  • CHUKOVSKll, kornei. "Kuprin," Novyi mir. No. 3, 1962, pp. 190-210. General article of a biographical kind.
  • GURA, I. "Povest' A.I. Kuprina Poedinok, Voprosy zhanra i stilia. pod. red. V.V. Gura. Vologda, 1967, pp. 84-116. Useful essay on The Duel, with examination of language. style and changes made in early drafts.
  • IZMAILOV, ALEKSANDR. "Pesni zemnoi radosti." Literaturnyi Olimp, Moscow, 1911, pp. 339-69. Sensitive and wide-ranging article, stressing Kuprin's indomitable love of life.
  • jackson, ROBERT. "A.I. Kuprin's River of Life," Dosioevsky's Underground Man in Russian Literature, The Hague, 1958, pp. 108-112. Interesting essay drawing parallels between hero of Kuprin's tale and the Underground Man.
  • koretskaia, I.V. "A.I. Kuprin," Sochineniia v trekh tomakh. Moscow, 1953, pp. III- XXXIX. Very useful general article on Kuprin's biography and works.
  • KRANIKHFEL'D, VLADIMIR. "Poet radostnoi sluchainosti," Sovremennyi mir. No. 4, 1908, pp. 52-79. Perceptive survey of Kuprin's earlier work.
  • kuleshov, fedor. "Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin," in A.I. Kuprin, Sobranie sochinenii v deviali tomakh, Moscow, 1970,1, 5-38. Excellent biographical and critical essay.
  • mikhailovskII, BORIS. "Tvorchestvo A.I. Kuprina," Russkaia lileraiura XX veka, Moscow, 1939, pp. 47-58. Informative survey which unfortunately dismisses Kuprin's work in emigration in a single sentence.
  • nikulin, lev. Chekhov. Bunin. Kuprin, Moscow, 1960, pp. 267-325. General account, mainly biographical in content.
  • plotkin, lev. "A.I. Kuprin," Literaturnye ocherki i stat'i, Leningrad, 1958, pp. 413-45. Detailed survey article, especially good on Kuprin's earlier work.
  • SEDYKH, ANDREI. "A.I. Kuprin," Dalekie, blizkie, New York. 1962, pp. 7-17. Chiefly biographical account of Kuprin's years in Paris.
  • Shirmakov, P.P. "Novoe ob A.I. Kuprine," Russkaia literatura. No. 2, 1962, pp. 205-12. Material on Kuprin's biography in early 1900's, with his letters to L.I. Elpat'evskaia.
  • sobolev. YURII. "A.I. Kuprin," Obshchestudencheskii literaturnyi sbornik, Moscow. 1910, pp. 137-78. One of the earliest general essays on Kuprin, examining themes, moods, and characterizations in some depth.
  • STRUVE, GLEB. Russkaia literatura v izgnanii. New York, 1956, pp. 99-101, 267-68. Interesting details on Kuprin's editorship of White Army newspaper, his work as a journalist in Finland, and his years in Paris.
  • vishnevsky, ivan. "A.I. Kuprin," Povesti i rasskazy, Lvov, 1958, pp. 3-17. Readable survey article, though includes nothing on Kuprin's work in emigration.
  • VOLKOV, ANATOLII. "A.I. Kuprin," Russkaia literatura XX veka, Moscow. 1966, pp. 277- 303. Useful general account, both biographical and critical.
  • WILLIAMS, GARETH. "Romashov and Nazansky: Enemies of the People," Canadian Slavonic Papers, Vol. IX, No. 2 (1967), pp. 194-200. Interesting discussion of the link between the philosophy of Max Stirner and two major characters in The Duel.

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